Video Only Bundle
Certification Bundle
BundleSpecial savings for students dedicated to gaining the most in their learning and wanting to achieve the highest level of certification.
Level 1 Certification
Puppy Jump Start
CourseThis course is designed to give you all the tools you need to build a confident, social, and respectful puppy. It has it all--from potty training, to puppy nipping, to socialization. Give your dog the best life possibly by training early!
Basic Foundation
CourseThis is so much more than a basic obedience class. We not only teach each command (sit, down, heel, place, and come), but give owners an in-depth view into dog behavior, psychology, and learning patterns that can be applied to everyday life.
Intermediate Foundation
CourseREQUIRED PREREQUISITE: Basic Foundation This course will help you take your obedience, socialization, and relationship with your dog to the next level. Step by step exercises to help your dog become calm, obedient, and social at home and in public.