Course curriculum

    1. MuzzleConditioning

    2. Advanced Muzzle Conditioning

    3. Advanced Tip For Dogs That Are Difficult To Muzzle Condition

    4. The Value of a Second Handler

    5. Don't Change Your Training Style When the Dog Is Muzzled

    1. Drive Reduction Theory

    1. Hormones

    2. The Nervous System

    1. How To Increase Pack Drive

    2. Hand feeding for pack drive

    3. Decompression for pack drive

    4. Let's Go For Pack Drive (Aspen)

    5. Let's Go For Pack Drive (Blue)

    6. Let's Go For Pack Drive (Chelsea)

    7. Decompression (Aspen)

    8. Decompression (Chelsea)

    9. Decompression and Handfeeding (Blue)

    10. Decompression and Handfeeding (Chelsea)

    1. Putting Prey Drive on Cue

    2. Tug Concepts for Behavioral Issues Part 2

    3. Tug Concepts for Behavioral Issues Part 1

    1. Navigating Defense Drive

    2. Let's Go For Defense Drive (Aspen)

About this course

  • $3,995.00
  • 286 lessons
  • 32 hours of video content